Creating financial goals is empowering, but sometimes it can feel overwhelming. That’s where we can help.


Do you know how much you spend – each week, each month, each quarter?

Saving versus investing

The terms ‘saving’ and ‘investing’ are often used interchangeably but they are actually very different.

Tips to help you build your wealth

Learn more about ways to build your wealth.


Superannuation is important because it may be your only means of financial support in retirement.

Retirement Planning

Retirement is a time of life for you to relax and do the things you have always wanted to do. Therefore, careful planning can help ensure you are financially comfortable.


Building your wealth is important and so is protecting it.

Share Investing

Investing your money is an effective way to build your wealth. You can choose whether you invest directly, indirectly (through a managed fund) or a combination of both.


Redundancy can affect anyone from the chairman to the trainee. In this situation, there are many things to consider.

Tax-effective investing

Some investments are more tax-effective than others. Growth investments such as shares and property often receive more favourable tax treatment.

Estate planning

Who will look after your family when you have gone? You have worked hard all your life, so don’t let it all be for nothing.

We're ready to help you

For more help and support, please contact us.

Why choose us?

Important information

Bridges Financial Services Pty Ltd (Bridges). ABN 60 003 474 977. ASX Participant. AFSL No 240837. In referring members to Bridges, SWS Bank does not accept liability or responsibility for any act or omission or advice provided by Bridges or its Authorised Representatives. Bridges is part of the Insignia Financial Group. The information (including taxation) is general in nature and may not be relevant to your individual circumstance. You should refrain from doing anything in reliance on this information without first obtaining suitable professional advice. Bridges Financial Services Pty Ltd (Bridges) Address: Locked Bag 4004, Queen Victoria Building NSW 1230. If you become a Bridges client as a result of our referral, we will receive a referral fee. Ask us to see our Financial Services Guide for more details before we provide you with services.