Open Banking

The Australian Government Passed the Consumer Data Right (CDR) legislation in 2019, which is referred to as Open Banking by the banking industry.

Open Banking aims to provide greater choice and control for Australians over how their data is used and disclosed. It will allow consumers to access particular information in a usable form and to direct a business to securely transfer that information to an accredited data recipient. All open banking participants that send and receive data must be accredited by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). They have set strict accreditation criteria, as well as privacy and information security standards.

What are the Open Banking API's?

Designed in accordance with the Australian Consumer Data Standards, under the Consumer Data Right, SWSbank Open Banking APIs enable accredited third parties to access SWSbank's product information.

SWSbank's APIs

Accredited Developers can use the below APIs to obtain information about SWSbank products.

Product API

Product Details API[ProductID]

To obtain detailed product information, simply add the product ID where indicated.

The product ID can be found within the data provided in the product API.

Should you be experiencing technical difficulties or have any questions, please contact us.

Consumer Data Right Policy

You can find our policy here



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